Testimonies of a car accident that should have killed me (seriously)

In this vlog, I will share about a car accident that I experienced in December 2019 that should have killed me.

00:00 Opening
00:48 When it happened
01:20 What is the chronology
05:00 Who will come
06:20 CCTV video of what happened, and what happened
06:50 Whatever the medical team and the police do
07:00 In the hospital and any injuries
08:40 After the accident, going to Indonesia
09:10 What's broken in the car, and how come?
10:20 AM Following DDC advice from the NZ Police
11:00 What can be learned from this incident
12:00 Closing

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Cheers & God bless you all
Andy, Thirza & Jayden Saputra
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