Bekerja sebagai Dairy Cattle Farmer di NZ


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User ID
9 Jun 2024
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Salam kenal Ko Andy,
Saya sudah subcribed channel youtube Ko Andy dan mendapatkan banyak sekali informasi tentang NZ dan saya berkeinginan untuk bisa kesana dan bekerja. Dan saat ini saya sedang tahap persiapan untuk pengurusan visa turis terlebih dahulu.

Ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan :
1. Test IELTS
  • Apakah ini diperlukan saat nanti saya mendapatkan job offered di NZ dan apply AEWV?
  • Jika diperlukan, saran Ko Andy apa lebih baik saya siapkan test IELTS nya di Indonesia terlebih dahulu atau bisa saya lakukan di NZ saja setelah ada job offered?
  • Adakah score minimal? dan bagaimana jika nanti score yg didapatkan tidak mencapai syarat score minimal? sedangkan sudah mendapatkan job offered, apakah bisa tetap bekerja?
2. Green list role : Dairy Cattle Farmer
  • Saya tidak punya pengalaman di bidang ini tapi target saya adalah mengincar pekerjaan di Dairy Cattle Farmer karena memberikan pathway to PR. (Ini pemikiran saya setelah research peluang utk PR). Mohon pendapat dari Ko Andy.
Untuk sementara ini dulu yang ingin saya tanyakan, terimakasih sebelumnya.
Halo @alex, salam kenal dan terima kasih sudah berlangganan channel YouTube saya! Senang mendengar bahwa Anda mendapatkan informasi yang berguna dari sana. Saya senang membantu menjawab pertanyaan Anda:
  1. Test IELTS untuk AEWV (Accredited Employer Work Visa):
    • Kebutuhan IELTS: IELTS mungkin diperlukan tergantung pada jenis pekerjaan dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh pemberi kerja atau kebijakan imigrasi. Biasanya, untuk pekerjaan yang memerlukan komunikasi yang baik, IELTS sering menjadi syarat.
    • Persiapan IELTS: Mengenai apakah lebih baik melakukan tes IELTS di Indonesia atau di NZ, jika Anda memiliki waktu dan sumber daya, lebih baik menyiapkannya di Indonesia. Ini akan mengurangi beban Anda setelah tiba di NZ dan memberikan kepastian lebih tentang kualifikasi bahasa Anda sebelum berangkat.
    • Score Minimal dan Implikasinya: Setiap jenis visa atau pekerjaan mungkin memiliki syarat skor minimal yang berbeda. Jika skor Anda tidak mencapai syarat minimal tetapi Anda sudah mendapatkan job offer, Anda mungkin perlu berdiskusi dengan pemberi kerja mengenai opsi lain atau mendapatkan dispensasi khusus, tapi ini bisa sangat tergantung pada kebijakan pemberi kerja dan kebijakan imigrasi.
  2. Green List Role untuk Dairy Cattle Farmer:
    • Tanpa Pengalaman Sebelumnya: Memang benar bahwa beberapa pekerjaan dalam Green List seperti Dairy Cattle Farmer menawarkan pathway to PR. Namun, jika Anda tidak memiliki pengalaman di bidang ini, Anda mungkin perlu mempertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan pelatihan atau pengalaman terlebih dahulu. New Zealand memiliki standar tinggi untuk pekerjaan di bidang pertanian, dan pengalaman relevan sangat penting.
    • Saran: Sebelum memutuskan untuk mengejar karier sebagai Dairy Cattle Farmer, Anda mungkin ingin melihat apakah ada program pelatihan atau kursus yang bisa Anda ikuti di Indonesia atau di NZ yang dapat memberikan Anda pengalaman atau kualifikasi yang diperlukan. Juga, berinteraksi dengan komunitas atau forum profesional di bidang tersebut dapat memberikan wawasan dan koneksi yang berharga.
Semoga jawaban ini membantu Anda dalam merencanakan langkah Anda selanjutnya! Jangan ragu untuk bertanya lagi jika Anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut. Terima kasih dan semoga sukses dengan persiapan Anda untuk bekerja di New Zealand!
Thanks Ko Andy for the reply, and allow me to write you in english as i practicing my writing skill. :)

I saw the requirement on INZ website starting June 2024, the documents should be translated into english. Does this include all the documents such as passport, KTP, KK? And do you have any suggestions where i can get a valid and legal translation in Indonesia that is acceptable by INZ?

One more question that crossed my mind, do you have any references on how to make a New Zealand CV? so i can learn and create a good CV for my preparation.
Hello @alex,

Thank you for writing in English, and I’m glad to assist you in your practice! 😃

Regarding your question about document translation for the INZ application, yes, starting June 2024, all supporting documents that are not originally in English must be translated. This includes identification documents like your passport, KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk), and KK (Kartu Keluarga). The translations need to be accurate and should ideally be done by a certified translator to ensure they are accepted by INZ.

For reliable and legal translation services in Indonesia, I recommend seeking services that are either accredited by the Indonesian Translators Association (HPI - Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia) or other recognised global translation bodies. You can find more information at:
Additionally, you can check with the New Zealand embassy in Indonesia for a list of recommended translators who are familiar with INZ requirements.

As for creating a New Zealand CV, it’s great that you’re preparing thoroughly! A New Zealand CV typically includes some specific details that might not be standard in other countries. Here are a few tips:
  • Keep it concise: Usually, a CV should be no more than 2-3 pages.
  • Include personal details: Such as your name, contact information, and sometimes a brief personal statement.
  • Include your NZ visa status: Whether you are seeking work visa sponsorship or are on an open work visa.
  • Outline your work experience: List your most recent roles first, including your job title, the name of the employer, the duration of your employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Educational background: Detail your educational history and any professional qualifications.
  • Skills and competencies: Highlight specific skills relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Referees: Provide the contact details of two or three people who can provide professional references.
You might also want to look at resources like Careers New Zealand, which you can access via the link below. They offer guidelines and templates for CVs tailored to the New Zealand job market:

Last but not least, avoid being overly formal; for example, using “sir/madam” isn’t very common in New Zealand. Our approach to English is quite casual, and addressing people directly by their names is the norm.

If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask. All the best with your document preparations and CV writing!

Hello @alex,

Thank you for writing in English, and I’m glad to assist you in your practice! 😃

Regarding your question about document translation for the INZ application, yes, starting June 2024, all supporting documents that are not originally in English must be translated. This includes identification documents like your passport, KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk), and KK (Kartu Keluarga). The translations need to be accurate and should ideally be done by a certified translator to ensure they are accepted by INZ.

For reliable and legal translation services in Indonesia, I recommend seeking services that are either accredited by the Indonesian Translators Association (HPI - Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia) or other recognised global translation bodies. You can find more information at:
Additionally, you can check with the New Zealand embassy in Indonesia for a list of recommended translators who are familiar with INZ requirements.

As for creating a New Zealand CV, it’s great that you’re preparing thoroughly! A New Zealand CV typically includes some specific details that might not be standard in other countries. Here are a few tips:
  • Keep it concise: Usually, a CV should be no more than 2-3 pages.
  • Include personal details: Such as your name, contact information, and sometimes a brief personal statement.
  • Include your NZ visa status: Whether you are seeking work visa sponsorship or are on an open work visa.
  • Outline your work experience: List your most recent roles first, including your job title, the name of the employer, the duration of your employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Educational background: Detail your educational history and any professional qualifications.
  • Skills and competencies: Highlight specific skills relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • Referees: Provide the contact details of two or three people who can provide professional references.
You might also want to look at resources like Careers New Zealand, which you can access via the link below. They offer guidelines and templates for CVs tailored to the New Zealand job market:

Last but not least, avoid being overly formal; for example, using “sir/madam” isn’t very common in New Zealand. Our approach to English is quite casual, and addressing people directly by their names is the norm.

If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask. All the best with your document preparations and CV writing!

Hello Ko Andy, thanks for the answer. Now i have another question that needs your opinion. In my visa application, i have reached the page where i am supposed to provide bank statement evidence. Basically, i have prepared an active bank statement for 3 months which i thought was enough. However it turns out it requires 6 months history of bank statement. Here is the problem, if i print out the 6 months history, it will be visible that there was a significant change in the amount of funds in April. In your opinion, should i proceed or wait for another 3 months to continue my visa application?

and then i am self employed, own a small business, how am i supposed to give the evidence of genuine intent that requires work leave letter from the employer? or what evidence can i provide other than work leave approval letter?
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Thank you for reaching out with your queries. Regarding your bank statement for the visa application, it’s important to have a consistent and stable financial record. If there was a significant change in your bank balance in April and you believe this might raise questions, it might be prudent to wait another three months. This would allow you to demonstrate a more stable financial situation, which could strengthen your application.

As for providing evidence of genuine intent as a self-employed individual, you won’t need a work leave letter like someone who is employed might. Instead, you can provide documents such as business registration documents, tax returns, and financial statements for your business. These documents can show that you have ongoing business activities and commitments in your home country, which serve as evidence of your intent to return.

I hope this advice helps you prepare a stronger application. Best of luck, @alex!
Thank you for reaching out with your queries. Regarding your bank statement for the visa application, it’s important to have a consistent and stable financial record. If there was a significant change in your bank balance in April and you believe this might raise questions, it might be prudent to wait another three months. This would allow you to demonstrate a more stable financial situation, which could strengthen your application.

As for providing evidence of genuine intent as a self-employed individual, you won’t need a work leave letter like someone who is employed might. Instead, you can provide documents such as business registration documents, tax returns, and financial statements for your business. These documents can show that you have ongoing business activities and commitments in your home country, which serve as evidence of your intent to return.

I hope this advice helps you prepare a stronger application. Best of luck, @alex!
Regarding business registration documents, is it okay to provide only SKU (surat keterangan usaha) issued by kelurahan? And i dont have tax return for my business. And financial statement for the business, i have 3 bank accounts for our customers to transfer payment. From the 3 bank accounts, 2 of them are on my wife's name, should i provide all of the bank statement? 3 months or 6 months history? So in total i have 4 bank accounts, 1 for saving and the other 3 accounts is for business transaction.

Allow me to ask another question, back to the relationship page that asking for my wife's passport detail, is it considered holding a passport if the passport is already expired, should i just provide the expired passport detail?
When submitting business registration documents, the SKU (Surat Keterangan Usaha) issued by your kelurahan is generally acceptable as it confirms the legitimacy of your business. However, if you lack tax returns, it would be beneficial to supplement your application with other strong financial evidence.

Regarding the bank statements, since the accounts under your wife’s name are used for business transactions, it would be wise to include statements from all four accounts to provide a comprehensive view of your business financials. Providing a 6-month history for each account would be ideal as it demonstrates a longer and more stable financial trajectory.

For your question about the passport, an expired passport can still be used to verify identity and other statuses in many contexts, including visa applications. You should include the details of the expired passport and clearly indicate that it is expired. If possible, mention if there are plans for renewal or if a new passport has already been issued.

I hope this helps clarify your next steps. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!
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