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7 Jan 2019
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When setting up a new server, users may have a significant concern: which OS to use. Many choices come into mind when it comes to the operating system to use, so selecting just one OS can be a tough choice. A user must compare different server types to choose one that fits their requirements. In this article, we will compare and contrast Debian and Ubuntu servers.

Debian and Ubuntu servers are considered quite similar in many respects. So let us dig deep into a comparison of the two servers:

Upgrading the Servers
The fundamental difference between the two server types is the methods in which the two releases are handled. Debian is becoming quite similar to Ubuntu, but both are not alike. Instead, each server type has its own distinct set of differences. Debian will not offer the conventional updates Ubuntu does; instead, Debian offers live streams of the release. An example is the apt-get package manager, which allows users to install updates and software. Users can upgrade their systems to the upcoming stable release without any reboot.

Ubuntu supports its LTS (Long Term Support) version, a version of the distribution built upon and supported for roughly five years. On the other hand, Debian offers a total of three years of support with their respective builds. Today, Debian is becoming more and more like Ubuntu, and it has a volunteer support team to help it catch up.

Security of Setups
Ubuntu is a more secure system than Debian. Debian is considered a much stabler system and is much easier to manage than Ubuntu. In discussions on several platforms, Debian has a reputation for being more stable. There may also be a few vulnerabilities in an Ubuntu server that will not exist in a Debian server. Still, overall, Ubuntu and Debian are both widely used all over the world.

Server Support
The two servers also vary in terms of the services offered by each. Ubuntu’s support team can be hired to help you with installation, updating, and troubleshooting the system. Debian has no such support team; instead, Debian relies on a group of volunteers. Over time, Debian has gained the status of being a more user-friendly server. Both systems have a detailed installation process, so choosing one of them according to this criterion is easy.

Support for Hardware and Software
Both server systems are based on Debian, so the software and hardware of both systems are pretty much the same. As a result, most Ubuntu packages can run efficiently without any external software configurations. Meanwhile, Debian servers look for pre-existing configurations while making system updates, and then they will notify the system administrators. This ability facilities users and will stop any upcoming software update errors.

Both servers come free of charge, so the price factor is not deciding which server to choose. Because both servers are free, users can opt for an operating system that is up to their requirements. You can also switch between the two systems whenever you want, but ensure that all pre-requisites are met before switching.

Debian and Ubuntu servers are equally helpful for different purposes. Therefore, I hope this article compared and contrasted the two servers in detail based on various parameters and characteristics.
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