office 365

  1. Andy

    Enable or disable Microsoft 365 security defaults

    New Microsoft 365 accounts automatically have security defaults enabled to protect you from phishing and other identity-related attacks. Security defaults help protect you from identity-related attacks with preconfigured security settings. This means that all email users will be asked to...
  2. Andy

    Take your email sending credibility even further by implementing DKIM & DMARC

    Having a properly configured SPF is essential, in this article we'll learn how to improve your email sending credibility even further by implementing DKIM & DMARC. Assuming you already have SPF configured properly on your domain if you haven't, click here to learn more 💡 Without further ado...
  3. Andy

    List all of Active Mailboxes on Office 365 using PowerShell

    Preparation: Windows Remote Management (WinRM) on your computer needs to allow Basic authentication (it's enabled by default). To verify that Basic authentication is enabled, run this command in a Command Prompt: winrm get winrm/config/client/auth If you don't see the value Basic = true, you...
  4. Andy

    Office 365 Convert Regular to Shared Mailbox & Setup Mail Forwarding

    Is someone left from your office? Here is the best practice to do with their mailbox. With Office 365, we can take advantage of keeping inactive users in the cloud without affecting our quota without any license required. Go to Admin centers -> Exchange At the Exchange admin center dashboard...
  5. Andy

    Remove / Purge Deleted Users from Office 365 Admin

    You can run the command via AD PowerShell directly: $msolcred = get-credential connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred To purge the deleted user accounts: get-msoluser –returndeletedusers -maxresults 100000 | remove-msoluser -removefromrecyclebin -force
  6. Andy

    Add Full Access Mailboxes with Outlook Auto-Mapping Disabled

    In Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Exchange introduced a feature that allows Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 clients to automatically map to any mailbox to which a user has Full Access permissions. If a user is granted Full Access permissions to another user’s mailbox or to a shared mailbox...
  7. Andy

    Best practice to Share Office 365 Calendar from Outlook

    Here is the proper way to do a Calendar Sharing in Outlook (Including How to delegate access properly) File -> Account Settings -> Delegate Access -> Add (‘Person Name’) -> Calendar (Select desired access level) On the other side, open up Calendar -> Open Shared Calendar -> Enter (‘Person...
  8. Andy

    Manual Delta & Full Sync between AD & Office 365

    How to do manual synchronise between Active Directory DIRSYNC and Office 365 using PowerShell? Open up Windows PowerShell, and then invoke the following command: FinishedPS C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin> .\DirectorySyncClientCmd.exe delta saputra.local Initializing...