delete user

  1. Andy

    How to delete user on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Linux

    Deleting user on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8 Linux system can be accomplished using the userdel command. In this tutorial you will learn: How to delete user on RHEL 8 / CentOS 8. How to force user deletion. How to delete the user as well as its home directory. And here are the steps: Take a note of...
  2. Andy

    Remove / Purge Deleted Users from Office 365 Admin

    You can run the command via AD PowerShell directly: $msolcred = get-credential connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred To purge the deleted user accounts: get-msoluser –returndeletedusers -maxresults 100000 | remove-msoluser -removefromrecyclebin -force